Tuesday 31 January 2012

How four stroke engine works.......

Work of a ENGINE
A engine is the  central part of a vehicle it’s help the vehicle to do its work. Here I describe about 4stroke engine…
                                    Four stroke engine….
                    3:-spark plug.
                    5:-crank shaft.
                                                                                                 7:-champ shaft.
Work process:-
     It is completed in four step (1): Suction (2): Compression (3): Power  (4): Exhaust


(1) SUCTION:-  It is the first stroke of a 4stroke engine. In this stroke the piston is goes down and it create a vacuum at that that time the inlet valve is open, as the piston goes down ward  it create a vacuum , so to fill it fuel is come into the cylinder. Then the engine is goes for second stroke i.e compression.
(2) Compression:- Due to inertia the piston moves up again and it compress the fuel that came to the cylinder. For the compression the pressure of the fuel is increases very highly and it helps for the next stroke. As it compress the fuel, so this stroke is known as compression.
(3) Power:- It is the most important stroke, the whole power of the engine is depend on this stroke. In this stroke  the compressed fuel which is in high temp. & pressure, is burn when the spark is happen in the sparkplug. As the high pressure fuel burn it expand rapidly and it puss the piston to downward. After this stroke the engine run continusly.
(4) Exhaust:- This is the last stroke of the total process, after the power stroke due to inertia the piston goes up, at the same time the outlet valves is open and the burned fuel is Exhausted to outside.
 As this the all four stroke is completed and this process is continue till the engine is running.

The pistons are connected to the crank shaft through a connecting rod. As the pistons moves up & down  it rotted the crank shaft. And the through the crank shaft the power is delivered to the other parts of the engine like camp shaft etc  and the car/bike etc.     

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